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Night fiction

Night fiction

Regular price ¥1,500
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Product code: ZEST019

ENGU has moved their base of operations to Tokyo and expanded their fan base, and this is their first mini album in four years!

Heavy rock toy box! ENGU blows the hope of tomorrow!
(K/Pay money to my pain)

Rather than evolving, it has deepened.
The fact that they've overcome so many obstacles since their last album is apparent in their music. I can't wait to hear them live!

It was a piece of music that brought images of nature and landscapes to mind.
I hope they will make further leaps with this album!

It's been 4 years since the last release!
It's a mini album packed with variety, and it feels like those four years have been crammed into it!!!
(Tomohiro / FACT)

We've been together for a long time, but it's evolved a lot~♪
Congratulations on the release!! (*´^`phanaq)
The more you eat it, the more it hits you, the more you chew it, the more flavor it has...Low Kick Dried Surume Album of the Year for the second half of 2010!

01. Closer
02. Gimmick
03. Shakings
04. Perfect lie
05. To the Ocean
06. Hold on

Pay Money To My Pain / coldrain / LOSTPROPHETS and more...

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